Thursday, June 23, 2011

Walk the Walk sister!

"I am not liking this" LOL!!!!  That is what I told Dave when our realtor left yesterday.  He loved our home and said "do not change a thing, excpt anna's justin beiber poster" LOL.  I felt good that the house was CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN and decorated to sell.  I am not too thrilled with the market for selling a house.  WOW, you see and hear it on the news but when it is YOU, it is a different story!  We knew when we felt led to go that the housing market was at it's worst.  Well....thats the truth!!!  I am just full of mixed emotions.  We have taken such good care of our house and have the most beautiful hardwood floors(ok thats bragging sorry) it is so weird to feel like your "giving it away" for a steal.  Ok thats my rant and self pity, now I will get to the heart of it all....

I know know know that if we are suppose to go God will provide a buyer for our house.  "knowing" and "believing" are two seperate things.  I am having to "believe" in God's promises to provide for us and care for us.  I am having to "believe" that He is soverign and though the odds look horrible, He is not a God of "odds".  Anyhow, it is a test in faith and I am trusting and Believing God.  I am trying to not let my emotions take over.  I know God is in control and He will be faithful.  Funny thing is I give this advice to friends, church members, etc all the time!  It is time to walk the walk.  Today I am going to quit creating money scenerios in my mind (it really is a sight cause I am horrible at Math and half of my scenerios are wrong) and just give it over to God to take care of this situation with our house.  Ahhh, I knew this challenge was coming!  Thankful that God cares enough about me to grow me this way.....anyhow...if I gripe tell me to "walk the walk sister" and hush up!

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