Friday, June 17, 2011

First Blog ever!

This is the first blog I have ever written and it is sad that my 12 year old had to set up the whole thing for me, hahaha!  I decided to keep this blog to talk about real life.  The Fields are as real as you get, hahaha and what you see is what you get!  Sometimes it does not look "cookie cutter perfect", but we love the Lord and really strive to live for Him and glorify Him in what we chose to do and say.  I thought it would be fun to record our "Real Life" on a blog and add some interesting things along the way to encourage our friends and family.  When your a ministry family you see "Real Life" all the time!  The good, the bad and the ugly.  Also the great, transforming and the life-changing!  A long time ago we decided as a family that we would never try to "be a perfect ministry family", we would be who God made us and pray that it would glorify Him, despite our faults and our quirkiness (hahaha not the Fields!).  We pray this blog gives who ever reads it the same kind of encouragment.


  1. Yah! Welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to following you through "real life!" :)

  2. Yay!! A new blog to follow!! I am excited to read about your "Real Life!"
