Sunday, June 19, 2011

I will Follow

Boy, I am glad the cat is out  of the bag and we were able to share with our church family today what we have been praying about for months.  Long story short, God has called us to plant a new church with the Anglin family in East TN (Johnson City).  The catch? we love love love our church and are so sad to say goodbye :(.  It is so bittersweet to me. I know that God gave David the last four years to gain experience in church planting and I KNEW KNEW KNEW God would have David t to "practice" those new skills again. Just for anyone who does not know about church planting it is a exercise in FAITH, TRUST, GIVING and OBEDIENCE.  It is not an easy task but such a rewarding one.  I over heard a  pastor saying "all these young guys want to plant churches just so they wont have to work full time..." HAHAHAHA not quite! The opposite!   It has been the biggest test of our faith, making decisions that will last a lifetime of a church is a hard task.  No one "chooses" to be a church planter, God chooses them I am convinced!  

David has had the opportunity to serve under and with Brian Tillman and his family.  What a great pastor and friend and his wife, not get me started I will cry like a baby.  We adore their family and it is like saying goodbye to family rather than a co workers.  He also works with Clay and Whitney , sweet dedicated, wayyyy wise beyond their years.  They have loved on my kids and invested time in Anna, we love them so much.  And of course Liz.  Love her to Pieces, a great friend and encourager and she loves my crafts (hahahahA).   Feels like when Dorthy woke up from the Wizard of OZ and she saw all her friends.....:)

I remember our first day at Riverbend Dave went from a huge choir and band the week before to him in a cafeteria with guitar alone and a projector that did not work half the time.  No singers, no band...and guess what?  I am convinced it made David a better worship leader. It humbled us both to the core.  We had taken so much for granted before, never will I do that again, not even the goldfish we feed the kids in children's church!   I am so thankful for Riverbend.  I am thankful that we are saying goodbye for a time on all good terms, some pastors do not have that luxury.  I am so glad that even in the summer our attendance is higher than the week before and today had over 63 kids.  God is good and faithful.

So new adventure begins soon. We are ready and willing. I know when David sings "I will follow" at church he means it in his heart and I do too.  Even if we have to leave schools, friends, neighbors behind us for a time He is faithful to finish the work he started with us.

So please pray for the Anglins ,Fields and Riverbend church and the 20 Somethings at Longview that David Anglin lead for so long.  I know God has a great plan for them and for us and for you.

1 comment:

  1. Aw love that. I am excited for yall but sad for us sniff sniff. The Anglins and the Fields will be missed terribly! Love you guys!
